Building Through Education
To provide a religious based education which equips students to excel in the world
upon graduation with their God-inspired purpose.
Philosophy of Education:
Education should be ongoing throughout our lifetime.
Lawton Ft. Sill Graduate School of Theology is an affiliate school of the Christian Bible Institute.
The school was established in July 2011 to provide a theology educational opportunity beyond the walls. We offer classes through correspondence and on-line. Tuition fees are reasonable. Occasional classes are offered on-site in the American real estate building located at 1810 NW Sheridan, Lawton, OK.
The Lawton-Ft. Sill Graduate School of Theology is accredited by:
National Association of Private Theological Institutions and Accrediting Commission for Biblical Higher Education
For further information, call Dr. Tonia Renee Lee at (580) 510-8097. We look forward to assisting you to achieve your goals.